
Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand items: Here's where to find the collectable items | PC Gamer - gatesadow1955

Superficial for all of the Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand items? If you'Ra a completist—or maybe but a fan of Johnny's look—these collectable items are prospective on your list of things to pick upwardly during your time in Night Urban center. Various items that one time belonged to Johnny Silverhand are littered throughout the game and while you may find some of them during the course of your playthrough, others mightiness be harder to locate—operating room altogether missable.

Luckily, I've put unneurotic this handy guide to assistant you nab each one. Then, read on to get word the locations of each of the Cyberpunk 2077 Johnny Silverhand gun, machine, and Thomas More.

How to get the Johnny Silverhand tankful top in Cyber-terrorist 2077

You'll fix this point automatically arsenic a reward for completing the Tapeworm main account mission, just about the end of the game.

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

How to scram the Johnny Silverhand aviators in Cyberpunk 2077

You'll sire these during the Cyberpunk 2077 Chippin' In side job. You'll give birth access to this mission after you've completed Varlet's series of side jobs and it will automatically be added to your quest log sometime later that. Information technology's worth checking if you have the quest if you know you seaport't completed it and you're standing working your elbow room through the of import story missions.

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

How to get the Johnny Silverhand aviators in Hacker 2077

This is also obtained from the Chippin' In quest mechanically. See Greyback's Aviators (above) for details.

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

How to get the Johnny Silverhand gun in Hacker 2077

Rebel's gun—the Malorian Arms 3516—is another automated reward from the Chippin' In side mission. See Johnny's Aviators for further details on how to engender on this quest.

(Image credit: CD Projekt Ruby)

How to get the Johnny Silverhand boots in Cyberpunk 2077

You can feel Johnny's footwear during the Family unit Heirloom gig which is unlocked after complementary the Ghost Town main story mission in Act 2. This gig is located in the Charter Hill area so you should check out any gigs operating theater disturbances you uncovering in the area. The intense objective of this gig is located in an undergroung garage and the boots are located in the same cabinet as the shard you're after.

Don't worry if you drop it, though, you can go under back at any time and catch them.

(Image credit: Cardinal Projekt Bolshevik)

How to get on the Johnny Silverhand pants in Cyberpunk 2077 (missable)

This item is available during the gig Psychofan. The gig is located in Heywood and you'll deman to smash into Kerry Eurodyne's flat and steal his guitar. Reb's pants are found in the suitcase in the room next to the incomparable that contains the guitar. If you overlea information technology during this gig, you toilet't go back so piss sure you bread them while you're there.

(Mental image cite: CD Projekt Red)

How to get the Johnny Silverhand car in Cyberpunk 2077 (missable)

This vehicle is also obtained from during the Chippin' In mission but not automatically. In order to have it, you'll want to do one of two things:

  • Get into't draw your weapon on Grayson
  • Loot the key to the container if you vote down Grayson

(Image credit: CD Projekt Red)

If you choose to 'Put Weapon Away" when prompted, Grayson will give you the key. Otherwise, you'll need to kill him to obtain it. As soon American Samoa the key is in your possession, you should get an aim to open a container. The Porsche 911 is inside and will be added to your list of vehicles.

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