banner just got a total makeover | PC Gamer - gatesadow1955

Battle.nett just got a total makeover 2.0
(Image credit: Blizzard Entertainment)

Conflict.meshwork, the app for whol of Blizzard and Activision's different games, hasn't changed in almost eight years. That's a long-wooled time, but now Snowstorm gave B.profit some zhuzh with a big Spring Cleaning makeover in the form of Battle.meshing 2.0. And it's rolling out moral now for North American users. 2.0 doesn't feel drastically different than its predecessor, but the layout is definitely an improvement. Instead of list games on the left go with, they'Ra today arranged at the top, fashioning a lot many space for trailers and official Blizzard news about your selected game. Probably my favorite thing about information technology, though, is that the friends list is now a standing fix on the right-hand side, and does a better Book of Job of exhibit what your pals are in reality dormie to. In the old version, you had to click on an image to bring up a separate friends listing window, which is jolly clumsy to work with.

Blizzard also says 2.0 is much more accessible. The entire affair fire be navigated just using your keyboard, and IT meliorate supports screen readers. The color contrast is bettor to a fault.

If you pauperization a lateral-aside-face comparability, here you go:

Mental image 1 of 2 2.0

(Image credit: Rash Entertainment)

Image 2 of 2

(Image credit: Blizzard Amusement)

Look, it's an app that you flavour at for perchance all of 8 seconds each day, but I really like the new look and how efficiently IT uses space.

Right now, 2.0 is only available for some North American users, but Rash aforementioned everyone will beryllium getting it in the approaching weeks. If you're in North America and you don't mechanically get the update, you can still assay 2.0 by accessing its important version. Here's a quick rundown of how to ut that:

  • Open up
  • Click on the Blizzard logo in the top odd of the window
  • Snuff it to Settings
  • Go to Exploratory on the Settings window
  • Click the "Switch to Beta" button. It'll download the new version and mechanically bring up.

If you're not in North America, you'll have to waitress a trifle longer before trying Battle.last 2.0, but information technology'll be available soon.

Steven Messner

With over 7 years of experience with in-deepness feature reporting, Steven's mission is to chronicle the captivating ways that games intersect our lives. Whether it's big in-game wars in an MMO, or long-haul truckers World Health Organization turn to games to protect them from the loneliness of the barefaced itinerant, Steven tries to unearth PC gaming's greatest much stories. His love of PC gaming started extremely early. Without money to drop, he spent an entire 24-hour interval watching the get on bar happening a 25mb download of the Heroes of Might and Conjuring trick 2 present that He then played for at least a hundred hours. It was a good demo.


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